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Interested in a 52-acre Plan B sanctuary in case the SHTF?
Want to unite with like-minded freedom seekers when it matters most?
Are you ready to BYO RV or Tiny House when an emergency strikes?
Prepared for self-reliance with arable land?
Would you like to join a secure private-member community where you can actively participate?

If so, Voluntaria might be right for you!

  • A heightened sense of independence, causing spontaneous off-grid living.
  • Allergic reactions to bureaucracy and overreach, resulting in self-governance.
  • Increased production of personal responsibility enzymes.
  • Uncontrollable urges to engage in voluntary interactions.
  • An acute awareness of Natural Law, often leading to peace and harmony.
  • Chronic symptoms of community spirit and mutual aid.
  • Persistent development of practical skills, including but not limited to gardening, bartering, and DIY everything.
  • Frequent episodes of starry night admiration and deep philosophical campfire discussions.
  • Spontaneous manifestations of liberty and pursuit of happiness.
  • A rare but serious condition known as "Permanent Grin," caused by excessive enjoyment of freedom.

“Voluntaria is redefining my understanding of community. It's the sanctuary where I truly connect with the land and others who share my vision of freedom. Safeharbor is one way we can share this with others.”

Chuck Williams, Co-Founder of Voluntaria

Fortify Your Freedom

In moments of crisis when the future seems unsure, Voluntaria's SafeHarbor Private Membership Emergency Support Plan emerges as your Florida forest retreat to gather together and support one another.

Your Private Membership Emergency Support Team & Oak Forested Haven Retreat

Our private 52-acre community is your sanctuary, a place where members find strength and connection, ready to face challenges as one.

SafeHarbor is the epitome of a private community where empowerment and connection thrive, ensuring every member a voice in shaping a resilient future. It's a dynamic membership group that merges tradition with technology, providing a sanctuary where unity and learning equip us to tackle any challenge together.

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Intro & Ethos

SafeHarbor: Your Commitment to a Life of Voluntaryism and Resilience

A group of people gathered around a campfire under a starry night sky in an oak forest.

Intro & Ethos

Embrace the Ethos of Voluntaria

SafeHarbor is not just a membership; it is a pathway to a life aligned with the values of liberty, mutual respect, and proactive living. As a product of The Voluntaria Community, it offers an invitation to individuals seeking to live by principles that foster personal growth and collective well being. Discover how SafeHarbor encapsulates the essence of voluntaryism, creating a platform for members to live freely, honorably, and in harmony with nature.

  • Community Engagement

    At the core of SafeHarbor is the belief that active participation is key to a thriving community. Members are encouraged to bring their interpersonal skills and engage in effective communication, fostering an environment of responsiveness and consensus.

  • Guidelines for Growth

    Each member of SafeHarbor is seen as integral to the community's health. By adhering to Voluntaria Guidelines—such as practicing kindness, self-governance, and voluntary transactions—we commit to enhancing each other's lives.

  • Harmony with Principles

    SafeHarbor members commit to living by the Non-Aggression Principle, observing Natural Law, and upholding Universal Law. We promote a lifestyle that respects personal and property rights, ensuring every interaction is rooted in integrity.

  • Nurturing Nature

    We recognize the symbiotic relationship with our environment and dedicate ourselves to working in tandem with nature, embracing eco-friendly practices, and advancing towards collective self-sufficiency and self-defense.

  • Honorable Resolutions

    In the spirit of the Voluntaria guidelines SafeHarbor provides mechanisms for equitable and honorable dispute resolution. We believe in resolving conflicts with dignity, upholding the promise of a united community.

To explore in more depth the values that inspire SafeHarbor, we invite you to learn more about The Voluntaria Community and how it continually nurtures the ethos that shapes our shared journey.

Membership Benefits, Access Rights, and Resource Sharing

Empower Your Tomorrow:

Exclusive Benefits of Joining SafeHarbor

Welcome to Voluntaria's SafeHarbor community, where our membership comes with real benefits. Think of it as your year-round retreat and support network, all rolled into one. From annual getaways in nature to shared resources and emergency preparedness, we've got your back. It's a place to learn, to share, and to be part of something special.

Complimentary Cabin Retreats

Enjoy an entitled one-week cabin stay annually on our property, with the option to extend at a discounted member rate.

Collaborative Land Cultivation

Work with other members and the land management group to cultivate and harvest the community gardens as designated by consensus.

Emergency Preparedness and Expansion

Immediate access to emergency resources and support, with plans to expand community-preference-weighted supplies and equipment, for aligned and considered peace of mind.

Consensus Governance Participation

Engage with the community and have a say in the decision-making, helping to shape the sanctuary’s development.

Dynamic Educational Experiences and Celebrations

Attend workshops by prominent sustainability experts and enjoy seasonal celebrations, enhancing community connection.
Camping in the oaks
Our members are trained (and train others) in the use and deployment of cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

Private Membership Plan Management and Technological Integration

Securing Social and Resource Access

At SafeHarbor, we're excited to integrate advanced technology to enhance the membership experience. With the launch of our member portal within the next 30 days, you'll enjoy streamlined access to membership contracts, secure communication, and a host of resources for both online and offline community engagement.

Consensus votes, resource, and property access will be blockchain enabled.
Managed Online Forums
Participate in our online forums, managed to ensure that discussions remain focused and productive. Encrypted channels within this space guarantee the privacy of your communications, allowing secure connections with the SafeHarbor community.
Digital Membership Contracts
Once our member portal is live, you will have secure access to your membership contracts and community agreements. These contracts, along with essential community agreements, will be available digitally, safeguarding your information and facilitating easy retrieval.
Downloadable Documents for Preparedness
In keeping with our ethos of readiness, essential documents will be available for download. These resources will provide directions to the property and confirm membership status, ensuring peace of mind for every contingency.
Versatile Workshop Opportunities
Enrich your life with an assortment of workshops offered both online and offline. Covering a spectrum of topics from technological proficiency to spiritual growth, these sessions are crafted to enhance skills and deepen knowledge within our vibrant community.
Encrypted Member Communication
Engage in private conversations with fellow members through protected communication channels. Designed for confidentiality and security, these exclusive lines of communication will be an integral part of our member portal.
Upcoming Member Portal Launch
Stay tuned for the launch of our member portal, scheduled to arrive within 30 days of our first private membership sale. This portal will be your gateway to managing your membership details, accessing community forums, and downloading essential documents.

Emergency Protocols

Stay Prepared

Proactive Preparedness with SafeHarbor's Emergency Protocols

SafeHarbor doesn't just offer a place to call home—it ensures a comprehensive contingency plan designed for peace of mind. Our emergency protocols are meticulously crafted to cover a range of scenarios, guaranteeing that you and your family have access to the resources and support needed in uncertain times.

Collective Resource Stockpiling
Members of SafeHarbor have access to emergency supplies and equipment stored and maintained on the Voluntaria property. We openly prepare and commit to keeping these resources ready and replenished as a community.
Secure Shelter Planning
With plans to construct communal shelters within the next 2-3 years, members will have the opportunity to play a role in developing and potentially owning a piece of these vital structures.
Resilient Communication Systems
Keeping our community informed and connected is paramount, especially in times of crisis. Our protocols include establishing and maintaining reliable lines of communication that members can depend on.
Community Support and Resource Sharing
In true Voluntaria spirit, SafeHarbor is about more than just individual preparation—it's about forging a support network where resources, skills, and aid are shared, ensuring that every member finds strength and assistance within our ranks.
Preparedness Information and Tools
SafeHarbor will provide essential tools and information to help members locate the property and understand the community's resources, empowering them with the knowledge to confidently navigate any challenges we may face.
Emergency protocols feature image


Pick your package

SafeHarbor membership is available in annual memberships, with heavy (partially refundable) discounts applied to multi-year purchases. so you can pick the one that's right for you.


Voluntaria's SafeHarbor Private Membership Emergency Support & Retreat Contract (billed annually).


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    Voluntaria's SafeHarbor Private Membership Emergency Support & Retreat Contract (billed quarterly).


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      Voluntaria's SafeHarbor Private Membership Emergency Support & Retreat Contract (billed monthly).


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        Voluntaria's SafeHarbor Private Membership Emergency Support & Retreat Contract (billed at end of term). 10% to 50% discount depending on number of membership years purchased in advance.


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